Saturday, June 22, 2013

slimes have much to tell us

There are no unsacred places. There are only sacred places and desecrated places. — Wendell Berry

"The slime molds often recall to me lines from Charles Bukowski’s, The Laughing Heart: '…the gods will offer you chances. know them. take them…' They tell us to take advantage of opportunities and persevere despite difficult conditions. Slimes know how to respond to uncertainty, to adapt quickly with finesse. They embrace possibilities and change with gusto. To meet them, you must go outside often, make yourself available, seize the day. Carpe diem: they do this to survive, we must do it to thrive. Slimes have much to tell us about being fully present in the moment, making the most out of the time we have, living fully in this life."

— Justine Riekana, No Unsacred Place

[Wolf's-milk Slime, Lycogala epidendrum]


  1. Great post, Ruth. I just read Bukowski's full poem, "The Laughing Heart," and it's terrific! Hope all is well with you.

  2. Thanks so much, George. I hadn't read the poem!

    your life is your life
    don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
    be on the watch.
    there are ways out.
    there is a light somewhere.
    it may not be much light but
    it beats the darkness.
    be on the watch.
    the gods will offer you chances.
    know them.
    take them.
    you can’t beat death but
    you can beat death in life, sometimes.
    and the more often you learn to do it,
    the more light there will be.
    your life is your life.
    know it while you have it.
    you are marvelous
    the gods wait to delight
    in you.

  3. Who would have expected the pink...or the you can’t beat death but
    you can beat death in life, sometimes.


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