Monday, April 15, 2013

these particles

Face that lights my face,
you spin intelligence into these particles
I am. Your wind shivers my tree. 
You make my dance daring enough to finish.
No more timidity. Let fruit fall,
and wind turn my roots up in the air,
done with patient waiting. 
— Rumi

[snowfall with flakes the size of golf balls yesterday, April 14; photo inspired by Erin


  1. April is playing games, Sister. I wonder what Rumi would say about that?! :)

  2. is this crazy? i saw your photo and recognized it, not as mine, nothing so ego-jumping, but as something that lives inside of me, something that comes into me from the outside world, not of me at all, but that i can locate in me. (do you understand? this is the world as i know it. this is the world as you know it too? no wonder we are kin)))))

    what a blessed world. yes, even in april!


  3. 'April doet wat hij wil'... April does what it wants to do.
    Nature is amazing and I love the blurred view.

  4. "Face that lights my face..." Love that line. Reminds me of the phrase: "What was your face before you were born?" - "The face that lights my face..." :) Lovely photo...


Welcome. If you would like to say something, rest assured that I will respond in my self, even if I do not respond in word.